June 29, 2013

Movie Time: The Heat

Okay, so it is Saturday night and super hot outside! My day was a little boring since there wasn't much to do, plus I was feeling like a stuffed potato..SUPER LAZY! Luckily my girlfriends saved me from the boredom to come and we hit the mall to watch "The Heat". We were so indecisive as to which movie to watch (The Heat or White House Down). Just because The Heat poster said 18+ we decided to go for that ;)  

Source : http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/
A must watch if you want some R-rated belly-laughs XD ! This movie is about this police & FBI duo trying to hunt down drug dealers. Lots n lots of woman bickering and good timing with the punchlines. It is always fun to watch women do some action! 

Sarah Ashburn (Sandra Bullock), an FBI agent ( her talent, a little intimidating to the men ), grabs the opportunity for a promotion by putting her FBI skills to a test. She is sent to Boston to hunt the king of drugs with the help of the local cops. But there is someone else who is in doubt of Sarah's work, police officer Shannon Mullins (Melissa McCarthy), a straightforward "#IWillSayWhatIWantTo #DareYouTouchMe" tough woman. With many differences to create tension, the two ladies put aside their differences and team up to catch the bad boys. Sarah is shown as a disciplined lady whereas Mullins is this tough, rude woman, you almost feel like she is ready to beat the shit out of everyone around! In the process, the two ladies end up becoming friends. With good comedy to tickle your funny bones they solve the case and get the bad boys to where they belong!  

I wouldn't say this is a fantastic movie, but its worth the price.  Here is the Trailer for you! 

What is Ms. Cocino ?! :S

For a long time, I would click the favorite button and follow my favorite bloggers religiously and always wondered it took some balls to put your life out there and speak to the world! It is a huge responsibility I must admit!! I always wondered if I could challenge myself and put myself out there for the world to read...and guess what I’M OFFICIALLY A BLOGGER!

I have always loved reading all things fashion, beauty, food and life, just every moment of me clicking through various links brings joy to my face. There is something really calming about ending my day with a cup of green tea and catching up reading the various blogs and viewing other social media sites..AHHH IT IS SUPEEERRR RELAXING!! The more I fell in love with reading blogs, the more I realized that I wanted to be a part of that community. Written content is so much different from watching a video, it makes everything super fancy, personalized and detailed.

Welcome to “Ms. Cocino - Live Love Life”, my new blog. This blog will be all about latest fashion trends, healthy living, art, beauty, city guide, restaurant reviews, movies...Anything and Everything!! There is no limit to where the road will lead us to. As for the name, I wanted something unique and something that left people saying, "Ohh wait ! Cocino?! :S whats that?" There is no deep meaning to it, I just randomly formed a word that sounded catchy to me.   Most of my blogs will guide the audience in UAE and my main goal is to help everyone feel confident and stress on inner beauty. I want to motivate people to achieve their goals and to know that everyone is capable of doing anything if they work hard! 

So with all said, LET THE JOURNEY BEGIN :D:D <3 <3